Thursday, June 28, 2012

Checking In

As I wait for the evening's sleep aid to kick in (I have a long day tomorrow and my body isn't ready to sleep for another 5 hours) I thought I'd post and comment on some of the reviews HG World has been getting over on iTunes.  I am glad to see reviews and comments there because the universe is silent elsewhere on the subject.  The comments from our old feed on Pod-O-Matic are lost to the ages, but they ran about the same as the ones below...

(Note: It's not my plan to defend against bad reviews or snark my way to asshole creator status.  People who take the time to review the show are important to me.  They could be watching YouTube, jerking off to Smurg porn, or listening to someone else's show.  As it is, I appreciate objective feedback.)

So off we go!
Bullock Zombie Lover:  Thank you.  1) We'll take all the praise we get. 2) The hard work is paid by praise.  And beer donations.  And saying "hey" to Mike at conventions so he knows his hard work is appreciated.  I mean, we tell him, but the dude needs to hear it from the peoples.  3) I have to work out how to put a DONATE button back on the site, but yeah...thanks.  It costs about $20 a month to host the show.  I can't put a value on what Mike and Bryan do for production and there's a whole lot of time and energy coming from a lot of unpaid actors.  I would love to be able to buy shirts at some point.  We are still here, still working.  And as I always say, I'll take the comparisons to "We're Alive".  I think we're a different show in a lot of ways, but they're a benchmark for zombie awesome in audio drama, so...yeah, cool!

Yimlengyang: Thank you, brotha...or sistah.  Rock on.

Villain2814: Yeahhhh.... a gentle nudge.  I know our schedule is not the most consistent.  But I hope you're enjoying Jill Woodbine (and the amazing +Veronica Giguere) and "A Simple Prop" starring +Ayoub Khote as Neil McInnes.  Googies will be back, soon.  And the final season will follow.  I promise.  But I can't afford to hire Mike from his day job. :)

COsurvivor:  Whah?  Our web site is down??? (checks) Whew.  No. is still there.  We shifted hosts, but we have a streamlined "wix" site with lots of links and groovy stuff.  And we're not gone.  Promise.  

HVM rfo: "HVM"?  Happy Valley Militia?  Is that like Browncoats?  Or Trekkie?  Because I'd like to think it is.  I doubt it is, but a writer can have his little arrogant mental masturbatory aspirations, right?  Thanks. There's lots of crazy coming.

Andre Noble: I know you're over on our Facebook page, so many you can help me with some of this there (or here, whatev.) What about the audio quality?  I'm sure Mike's ears are burning on that.  Dialogue?  Sound Bed design?   As for "few relatable characters"... you make a fair point.  I hope at least Dogberry competes for time in your memory with McInnes.  But I appreciate your feedback and your willingness to stay with us.  

Litmaster 14: See?  This dude likes the Dogberry!  Looks like I accidentally truncated his post but the point of it is that we have a lot going on and a Narrator might be really helpful.  Point taken.  I made a choice early on to try and drive this by characters without going all expository.  I might consider a narrator (Todd Rage or Ken, maybe) in the remasters.  We're trying to help with our "previously on..." bits at the top, but perhaps those might work better as narration).  Hmm... will think on this.

DaisyMaeGogo:  Thank you and we certainly will!

LolaBittles:  I love that we were somebody's Howard Stern summer replacement.  We try to push the actors to give us their best work and, for the most part, I'm pretty happy.  A lot of it is the isolation of acting.  Remote Productions remove some of the chemistry that's necessary to really SELL a part and sometimes, Skype rehearsals just aren't possible (at least they weren't early on).  Thanks for listening.

And finally...

DIABLOU: Glad we're "the best" but no...we're not over.  Ken Peters will drive the Popcorn Express right into Season 2.  

Superbuggem: If not for the five stars, I might assume you thought we Grrrrated on your nerves.  

SoozieMac:  I'm sensing a theme here.  NO, we're Not Yet Dead.  Ken Peters (+Jim Patton) and Mark (+Bryan Lincoln) and Jo (+Gwendolyn Jensen-Woodard) are walking meat bags of awesome sauce telling a tangential but essential part of the HGW story!  McInnes is back!  The rest of the UNNDD is back in Googies soon.  Promise.

GMRC Rower Tweak:  Sweet.  And once again, invoke the name of the Wayland show we love so well.  

Thanks everyone.  Keep the comments coming.  Please add your voice to the conversation if any of these comments (or mine) have struck a nerve.  In the coming weeks, I'll try to make sense of the plot lines for everyone so...well maybe I can understand them, too! 

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